Felixstowe Museum Wins ‘Best Small Visitor Attraction’ AwardTown Hall Staff   09 Feb 2018

Felixstowe Museum have won ‘Best Small Visitor Attraction’ at the EADT EDP Norfolk and Suffolk Tourism Awards 2018 Felixstowe Museum are celebrating this morning after winning one of the prestigious awards last night at the EADT (East Anglian Daily Times) EDP (Eastern Daily Press) Norfolk and Suffolk Tourism Awards 2018 (www.tourismawards.co.uk) The museum is now… Read more »

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Nominate Your Local Community Heroes for a Civic AwardTown Hall Staff   08 Feb 2018

CIVIC AWARDS Felixstowe Town Council recognises contributions to the community made by individuals, young people and organisations in the town at its annual Civic Awards evening. At the event several awards will be presented: Mayor’s Awards: Presented to up to 5 local people for their personal contribution to the community. HMS Ganges Youth Trophy: Presented… Read more »

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Register for Garden Waste Collection now!Town Hall Staff   01 Feb 2018

Suffolk Coastal District Council is in the process of introducing a £43 a year charge for collecting garden waste and people can now sign up to register an interest in joining Suffolk Coastal’s Garden Waste Collection.   Please see Suffolk Coastal District Council’s Press Release here. This is a completely voluntary scheme, which people will have… Read more »

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Useful information on Paralytic Shellfish Poison (PSPTown Hall Staff   01 Feb 2018

) following the recent death of a Siberian Husky after eating a shore crab at Felixstowe Ferry:   What happened? Two dogs – one in Norfolk and one in Suffolk – are now thought to have died in recent weeks after eating dead marine animals (fish, shore crab and starfish) with high levels of PSP… Read more »

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Colneis Road, Felixstowe Footpath ReconstructionTown Hall Staff   24 Jan 2018

Suffolk Highways would like to apologise for the short notice of this information.  They would like to carry out footpath reconstruction works along Colneis Road, Felixstowe between Lansdowne Road and Sunningdale Drive.  The concrete footpath will be replaced with a new bituminous material, including some kerbing improvements.  The work is planned to start on 29… Read more »

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Suffolk Coastal Disability Forum Guide to Accessible Transport in SuffolkTown Hall Staff   12 Jan 2018

The Suffolk Coastal Disability Forum have had many queries about transport for those who have needs not covered by public transport and have produced a guide about the various options available in the Suffolk Coastal area including community transport and accessible taxis. The information in this guide provide contacts for public transport services that are… Read more »

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Ferry Road NewsletterTown Hall Staff   18 Dec 2017

A newsletter concerning the Ferry Road development has been distributed to residents local to the scheme, works on site are to begin in early 2018.  The newsletter can be viewed here:  Ferry Road newsletter December 2017  

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