Felixstowe Town Council, the Felixstowe branch of the Royal British Legion and local clergy jointly arrange Remembrance Services for the town.
Join us, as we mark Remembrance 2024.
Sunday 10th – Remembrance Sunday
Civic Remembrance Service 9.45am, St Johns Church.
Civic Act of Remembrance 10.45am, War Memorial.
Service at the War Graves, Midday, Felixstowe Cemetery
Monday 11th November – Armistice Day
Two Minutes’ Silence, 11am, War Memorial
Centenary of Remembrance – 2018
In 2018 Felixstowe held various events to mark the ending of WW1, including a special commemorative event on the evening of Remembrance Day Sunday 11th November with 163 volunteers representing each of Felixstowe’s fallen.
Alan Boyle, from Everything Felixstowe & Beyond, recorded the event and you can see his remarkable footage on youtube here.
A booklet containing information about the 2018 Remembrance events was printed and can be viewed by clicking the image below: