Useful information on Paralytic Shellfish Poison (PSPTown Hall Staff   01 Feb 2018

) following the recent death of a Siberian Husky after eating a shore crab at Felixstowe Ferry:   What happened? Two dogs – one in Norfolk and one in Suffolk – are now thought to have died in recent weeks after eating dead marine animals (fish, shore crab and starfish) with high levels of PSP… Read more »

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Colneis Road, Felixstowe Footpath ReconstructionTown Hall Staff   24 Jan 2018

Suffolk Highways would like to apologise for the short notice of this information.  They would like to carry out footpath reconstruction works along Colneis Road, Felixstowe between Lansdowne Road and Sunningdale Drive.  The concrete footpath will be replaced with a new bituminous material, including some kerbing improvements.  The work is planned to start on 29… Read more »

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Fully funded first-time central heating systems for Suffolk residentsTown Hall Staff   15 Dec 2017

Suffolk’s local authorities are now able to provide fully funded central heating systems* to 514 fuel poor households across Suffolk over the next three years. Around 4 million UK households are in fuel poverty, unable to affordably heat their home to the temperature needed to stay warm and healthy. As well as being on low… Read more »

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Winner of Mayor’s Christmas Card 2017Town Hall Staff   30 Nov 2017

Local resident, Stephen Squirrell, wins the 2017 Mayor’s Christmas Card Competition. This year’s Mayor’s Christmas Card Competition was themed ‘Great Days by the Sea’ and from the launch on 9 October to the closing date on 10 November, Felixstowe Town Council received over 50 entries. The Mayor, Cllr Nick Barber and Mayoress, Mrs Judy Barber… Read more »

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