Flag for Armed Forces Weekend and a Commemoration for PasschendaeleTown Hall Staff   24 May 2017

Raising the Flag for Armed Forces Weekend followed by a moment of reflection for the centenary of the Battle of Passchendaele – Monday 19th June 2017. To recognise the huge contribution made by our servicemen and women, Felixstowe has been chosen as the venue for Suffolk Armed Forces Day this year. 2017 also represents the… Read more »

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Suffolk Coastal Norse to remove stranded whale on WednesdayTown Hall Staff   23 May 2017

Please see the latest statement from Suffolk Coastal regarding the stranded whale at Felixstowe: Suffolk Coastal Norse has recently received official authorisation from the Marine Management Organisation for the removal of the whale. The UK Cetacean Strandings Investigation Programme (CSIP) have attend site today to take samples for testing. Now that we have authorisation, removal… Read more »

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Public Warned to Keep Off a Section Of Felixstowe BeachTown Hall Staff   19 May 2017

Suffolk Coastal is asking people to keep off a small section of the beach at Felixstowe, following coastal erosion. The recent adverse weather conditions have swept away a large proportion of the beach on the seafront immediately in front of the Spa Pavilion building, leaving a steep drop from the normal beach level to the… Read more »

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PCC invites local residents to talk to him about crime in the areaTown Hall Staff   17 May 2017

Suffolk’s Police and Crime Commissioner, Tim Passmore continues his 2017 series of public meetings across the county with a meeting in Felixstowe on Tuesday 23rd May. The meeting is an opportunity for the public to ask questions of the Commissioner and the Constabulary, and to find out more about policing in the area. The meeting… Read more »

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A154 Candlet Road and Gulpher Road, Felixstowe – Improvement Works – May/June/July 2017Town Hall Staff   15 May 2017

Suffolk Highways will be carrying out improvement works along Candlet Road bridge and along Gulpher Road, Felixstowe. The works are necessary following an assessment to the bridge showing that a vehicle restraint system in both verges is required (on both Candlet and Gulpher Road).  The works will also involve resurfacing. The works are currently programmed… Read more »

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Suffolk Armed Forces Weekend 2017 – Let Battle Commence!Town Hall Staff   15 May 2017

The clash of swords and firing of muskets… the seaside town of Felixstowe is preparing itself for an almighty battle for Suffolk Armed Forces Weekend 2017. In scenes that have not been seen in the town in over three centuries, the town will once more echo to the sights and sounds of the dastardly Dutch… Read more »

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Temporary Closure of Part of the A154 Beach Station Road, FelixstoweTown Hall Staff   15 May 2017

From 15/05/17 until 19/05/17 the A154 Beach Station Road, Felixstowe from the junction with Langer Road for 40 metres eastbound will be closed to motor vehicles to facilitate a new electrical link box.  Other co-ordinated works may also take place during this period. Access will be available for pedestrians and cyclists. The diversion route will… Read more »

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Speed Reduction – Candlet Road, FelixstoweTown Hall Staff   15 May 2017

SPEED REDUCTION –  A154 Candlet Road, Felixstowe. 30mph speed limit from Grove Road roundabout to the roundabout with Port of Felixstowe Road. Reason for Speed Reduction –  Safety whilst carry out carriageway repairs and associated works. Date of Speed Reduction 01/06/2017 to 17/07/2017 Alternative route – NA Please see link to map here 2017-06-01-NA-Plan Speed Restriction-A154… Read more »

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Calling all Community Groups – Do You Need Funding?Town Hall Staff   10 May 2017

Felixstowe Town Council has a funding pot of £25,000 to support community organisations with projects and activities for the benefit of Felixstowe this year. There are two deadlines for completed applications being 31 May and 30 November, with up to half the grant provision ordinarily being allocated at each stage. Projects which have previously received… Read more »

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