Felixstowe Town Council Celebrates ‘Love Parks’ WeekTown Hall Staff   04 Aug 2023

Felixstowe Town Council will be among hundreds of parks across the country taking part in Love Parks Week 2023. The celebration will take place from 28 July to 6 August, bringing together local authorities, green space managers, landowners, residents and community organisations to celebrate and support our fantastic green spaces all across the country. The… Read more »

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Summer 2023 Town MagazineTown Hall Staff   09 Jun 2023

Click the image below to read the seventeenth edition of the Town Council’s quarterly seasonal magazine – Summer 2023.  

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Felixstowe Town Council Raises Progress Pride Flag for Pride MonthTown Hall Staff   09 Jun 2023

On Friday 9 June, the Mayor of Felixstowe, Cllr Seamus Bennett, accompanied by fellow Felixstowe Town Councillors, raised the Progress Pride Flag in Felixstowe Town Hall Gardens to mark Pride Month. The Progress Pride Flag represents those who identify as gay, lesbian, bisexual, asexual, transgender, gender non-binary, and intersex. The black and brown chevrons represent… Read more »

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Felixstowe Town Council Elects New Mayor for 2023/24Town Hall Staff   19 May 2023

At its Annual Meeting of 17th May, Felixstowe Town Council elected Councillor Seamus Bennett as the Mayor of Felixstowe for the Municipal Year 2023/24. On the same evening Cllr Mike Deacon was appointed as the Deputy Mayor. On accepting the office of Mayor, Cllr Seamus Bennett, who has been Member of the Town Council since 2019,… Read more »

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Winners of 2023 Civic Awards AnnouncedTown Hall Staff   17 May 2023

The Mayor of Felixstowe presented the Civic Awards on 10 May at The Annual Town Meeting, hosted at the Orwell Hotel. The scheme, administered by the Town Council, recognises the contribution of those residents of Felixstowe who regularly go above and beyond for their local community. Each year, up to five Mayor’s Awards are presented… Read more »

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Election Results for Felixstowe Town CouncilTown Hall Staff   05 May 2023

Following elections held on Thursday 4th May 2023, the following 16 Members were elected to Felixstowe Town Council: Central Ward: Darren Aitchison (IND) Seamus Bennett (LIB) Jan Candy (LIB) East Ward: Nick Barber (CON) Bernard Price (LIB) Steve Wiles (CON) Port Ward: Stuart Bird (CON) Corrine Franklin (LAB) Marc James (LAB) David Rowe (LAB) Michael… Read more »

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Annual Town Meeting 10 May 2023Town Hall Staff   27 Apr 2023

Felixstowe Town Council warmly invites you to attend the Annual Town Meeting, hosted at The Orwell Hotel on 10 May at 7pm. During the evening, the winners of the 2023 Civic Awards will be presented and the Mayor of Felixstowe will provide a short report on her year in post. A public question time will… Read more »

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