Felixstowe Christian Action Against Poverty and Debt works in partnership with the national charity Christians Against Poverty (CAP) UK to provide:
• debt counselling in which Rick, our debt coach, and CAP’s head office staff work to find the best route for anyone living with debt to become debt free – ring 0800 328 0006 to arrange an appointment;
• one to one budgeting advice sessions and the CAP Money Course to enable people to get to grips with their finances so they can budget, save and prevent debt For more information call: 07394 177634 or email: Felixstowemoneycourse@outlook.com;
• the Life Skills course which equips people with the confidence, decision making, and practical skills needed to live on a low income To find out more call: 07942353486 or email: joybaker@caplifeskills.org
All our services are free and are available to everyone living in Felixstowe and the surrounding area, regardless of their age, gender, background or faith.