Felixstowe Chamber of Trade and CommerceFELIXSTOWECHAMBER   19 Oct 2022

Connections that brings your business to life. Business insights A voice at local, district, regional and national levels. Representation in the community. Networking events.

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Felixstowe Judo ClubFJC   19 Oct 2022

Judo can be many different things to different people. It is a fun sport, a martial art, a discipline, a recreational sport, a means of self-defence or simply a way of life. It can be all of these and much much more. Improve your physical health; strength, speed, stamina and flexibility. And mental health by… Read more »

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Walton Parish NursingLorna Bellamy   05 Oct 2022

Nursing charity that covers the area of Felixstowe for home visits and provides groups that any one in Felixstowe can attend.

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Felixstowe Christian Action Against Poverty and DebtSteve Lineham   20 Jul 2022

Felixstowe Christian Action Against Poverty and Debt works in partnership with the national charity Christians Against Poverty (CAP) UK to provide: • debt counselling in which Rick, our debt coach, and CAP’s head office staff work to find the best route for anyone living with debt to become debt free – ring 0800 328 0006… Read more »

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