Felixstowe Town Council to Host Charities and Voluntary Groups Summit

Posted by Town Hall Staff 11 December 2024


Charities and Voluntary Groups operating in Felixstowe and the surrounding are invited to attend Felixstowe Town Council’s Charities and Voluntary Groups Summit, to be hosted at Felixstowe School on 20 February 2025. The Summit will provide the opportunity for attendees to network and to attend a series of workshops, provided by local businesses, to address varying areas of expertise. With refreshments offered from 9.30am, the Summit will take place from 10am-3pm, and a buffet lunch will be provided from 12pm-1pm.

Those who are interested in attending the Charities and Voluntary Groups Summit are requested to register their interest by booking a free ticket at the following link: www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/felixstowe-town-council-charity-and-voluntary-groups-summit-tickets-1104426933689. It is also requested that anyone with an interest in attending completes a short survey before 1 January 2025, which has been designed to identify which areas are of most interest, and which workshops may be most valuable to attendees. The survey can be found at www.surveymonkey.com/r/JQ8WK3J.

Cllr David Rowe, Mayor of Felixstowe, said:

I am excited to invite local charities and voluntary groups operating in Felixstowe and the surrounding area to Felixstowe Town Council’s First Charities and Voluntary Groups Summit. Many charities tell us that, whilst they are passionate about delivering their work, they face challenges with many of the administrative tasks required  in running a successful organisation. The event promises to be an invaluable experience, bringing organisations together to learn from each other, and from workshops provided by experts, on the areas that are most useful to attendees. I encourage anyone who would like to attend to fill out the short survey before the deadline, which will help us to tailor the event to your specific needs. Felixstowe is a town which exemplifies community spirit and generosity, and our vast and varied range of charities and voluntary organisations are a testament to this. I look forward to seeing many of you in February”.   

David Gledhill, Chair of The Landguard Trust, said:

As we navigate the ever-evolving landscape of charitable and voluntary organisations, it is more crucial than ever for us to come together and share our insights and challenges. All local organisations are invited to attend the upcoming Summit, where we will engage in meaningful dialogue about the obstacles we face and collaborate on innovative solutions. Together, we can strengthen our collective impact and ensure that we continue to serve our communities effectively. Your voice matters, and your participation is key to shaping a resilient future for our sector.” 

Attendance is limited, so those organisations who are interested in attending are encouraged to book their tickets via the prior link at the earliest opportunity. It is requested that each charity or voluntary organisation books a maximum of two tickets only, to ensure that a diverse range or charities and organisations can be represented at the Summit.