Suffolk Highways will be carrying out emergency footway works along the location below:
Location: Outside 37 and 39 Wentworth Drive, Felixstowe
The works are currently programmed to take place on Thursday 10th December 2015, working between 9am and 1pm. Access to properties and businesses within the site will be available. This will be controlled by staff on site and if access is required please approach a member of staff who will provide access as soon as it is safe to do so. These temporary traffic management measures are required to allow the works to be carried out safely and in accordance with current Health and Safety guidelines. Access for emergency services will be maintained at all times. Inconvenience and disruption will be kept to a minimum during these works. However, should you wish to discuss the effects of these works, please contact highways general enquiries on 0345 606 6171, Ref: 121454.