With so much information being shared on the COVID-19 coronavirus we should all be using government advice to inform decisions and be checking that advice regularly. Please continue refer to https://www.nhs.uk/coronavirus for official guidance.
In the meantime, please STAY AT HOME. PROTECT THE NHS. SAVE LIVES.
We hope that everyone is staying well and using the internet in positive ways to keep up to date, stay in contact with friends and family, entertain yourselves and tap in to the wealth of local and global resources out there. The community response in Felixstowe and across Suffolk has been remarkable and demonstrates the breadth of support available to those that need it at this time. However, we understand that there will be many in our community who are self-isolating and do not have access to information online. Some may have had no contact and be unsure of who to turn to. To reach out to everybody, let them know they are not forgotten and signpost the support that is out there, we have printed an information bulletin which will be delivered to all IP11 households shortly.
The bulletin is being printed locally, will be delivered in phases in accordance with local delivery patterns, and at the same time as other publications wherever possible. Delivery staff are carrying this out in accordance with Public Health England advice. Thanks to Jon Trotter and the team at the Flyerpress who are carrying out this essential service which clearly cannot be done from home.
Click the image below to read the bulletin: