All Parish and Town Councils throughout England are required by law to hold an Annual Parish/Town Meeting between 1st March and the 1st June (inclusive). Meetings should not commence before 6.00pm.
At Felixstowe the Annual Town Meeting is usually held on the second Wednesday in May at 7pm. The meeting provides an opportunity for electors to have their say on anything they consider to be important to the people of Felixstowe. During the meeting the outgoing Mayor gives their Annual Report on their Mayoral Year and our Civic Awards are presented.
Any registered elector is welcome to attend – you will be asked to sign an attendance sheet confirming that you are a registered to vote in Felixstowe – and ask questions of the Council, which will usually be answered by the Chairperson, the Clerk to the Council, or a designated Councillor. An elector may also make suggestions and comment on anything pertinent to the people of Felixstowe. The Council may invite local clubs, societies or other voluntary and statutory organisations to provide an exhibition and/or a representative to speak about the work of their group.
The Mayor of Felixstowe chairs the meeting if available. Or, if the Mayor is not able to attend, then the meeting will elect a chairperson from those electors present. Other Town Councillors usually attend and will speak if need be but the purpose of the meeting is to enable electors to have their say. Councillors will listen with interest and as electors themselves, also have the opportunity to raise questions and make comments if they wish.
Minutes of the meeting are taken and approved at the following year’s Annual Town Meeting.