Have you considered taking part this year in Felixstowe in Flower’s free to enter competitions?
30th Anniversary of Felixstowe in Flower
Every summer since 1985 the beautiful and eye-catching Felixstowe in Flower has been dramatically enhancing the town. This year marks the 30th Anniversary of the event and Felixstowe Town Council is proud to once again arrange for the installation and maintenance of the many wonderful floral tributes which will keep Felixstowe in Flower all summer long. The success of this event could not be achieved without the dedication of many local businesses, organisations, schools and individuals showing their support for Felixstowe by participating in the various free to enter competitions or sponsoring the floral displays.
We hope you will consider supporting Felixstowe in Flower in this special 30th Anniversary year. Click here to visit our Felixstowe in Flower page which will give you further information and access to downloadable forms. To confirm your interest, please either complete the form and return to Sue Faversham at Felixstowe Town Hall or contact Sue via emai lsue.faversham@felixstowe.gov.uk or telephone 01394 288191.