A community, public access defibrillator has been installed outside Felixstowe library, Crescent Road.
The device, which can deliver a brief electric jolt to establish a normal heart rhythm, is kept within a secure high-visibility cabinet, and was funded by Felixstowe Town Council. Suffolk Libraries gave the go-ahead for the unit to be installed on the library so that it can be accessed at all times in case of an emergency.
Details of the device and its location have been registered with the East of England Ambulance Service. In an emergency, callers can be given the access code and directed to the library. Staff from the library and the Town Council, along with local Councillors, will also be shown a training video and given the access code needed to remove the defibrillator from the cabinet in case.
Town Mayor, Cllr Doreen Savage, officially launching the facility on Thursday 4 February said: “As the defibrillator is fully automatic and will not deliver a shock unless required, it can be easily operated by following the voice prompts and instructions. The Town Council is pleased that it has been able to fund this community access defibrillator which, whilst we hope it is never needed, could save lives. Our thanks go to the library for their permission to host the unit in this central location.”

Felixstowe Town Mayor, Doreen Savage installs the defibrillator with Jonathan Needle (East of England Ambulance Service) and Felixstowe Library Manager, Steph Merrett.
Any individuals or organisations who would like further information should contact Felixstowe Town Hall.
Town Hall
IP11 2AG
Telephone: 01394 282086
Website: www.felixstowe.gov.uk
Email: enquiries@felixstowe.gov.uk