Freight Quality Partnership

Posted by Town Hall Staff 10 July 2015
Freight Quality Partnerships (FQPs) are a UK approach to freight transport partnerships
between the public and private sectors that were launched by the Freight Transport
Association (FTA) in 1996. The FTA initiative brought together industry, local government
and representatives of local and environmental interest groups to pursue the following
agenda (FTA, 1997):
  • To identify problems perceived by each interest group relating to the movement and
  • delivery of goods in their city,
  • To identify measures within the group’s competence to resolve or alleviate such
  • problems,
  • To identify best practice measures and principles for action by local government and
  • industry to promote environmentally sensitive, economic and efficient delivery of goods
  • in towns and cities

The Town Council  appoints a representative to the Felixstowe Freight Quality Partnerships