Mayor of Felixstowe David Rowe May 2024 – 2025

If you would like the  Mayor to attend an event you may be organising please download and complete the Mayor Engagement Form and return to

At its Annual Meeting of 15th May, Felixstowe Town Council elected Councillor David Rowe as the Mayor of Felixstowe for the Municipal Year 2024/25. On the same evening Cllr Corrine Franklin was appointed as the Deputy Mayor.

On signing the Declaration of Acceptance of the Office of Mayor, Cllr David Rowe, said:

It is a great honour to have been elected Mayor of Felixstowe at the Annual Town Council meeting. To be made Mayor of the town I have called home all my adult life is very special, and I am looking forward to an exciting year ahead.

 The theme for my year is ‘service’. We have so many people and organizations in our town who serve others, and it is what makes Felixstowe such a caring and fantastic community. Many of these individuals are volunteers, making personal sacrifices to help others. During my term, I would like to meet as many people and organisations who serve our town as possible to highlight your efforts and thank you for what you do. Please do contact me to arrange a visit.

 This brings me to my chosen charities for the forthcoming year: Breast Friends CIC and the Landguard Trust. Breast Friends supports a community of breast cancer patients through diagnosis, treatment, surgery, and beyond. The Landguard Trust preserves the very special area of the Landguard Nature Reserve, the Fort, and Felixstowe Museum. I hope you will support my charities by attending our fundraising events and making donations to support the fantastic work they do.

 This year also marks the 50th anniversary of our town’s twinning with Wesel. Having already hosted our German counterparts in Felixstowe back in April, I am looking forward to representing our town in September when reciprocal celebrations take place in Wesel.”

If you would like the Mayor to attend a function in Felixstowe, or to simply ask them a question, please contact

The Mayor hosts a number of events in the Mayoral year, including:

Mayor’s Civic Service (3pm 16th June)
A special church service is held to bless the new Mayor and the Town Council – all are welcome to attend.

Mayor’s Civic Reception 
The new Mayor welcomes distinguished guests from the local community and highlights the work of his chosen charities.

Mayor’s Civic Carol Service  
A special Christmas Carol Service for the community and distinguished guests.

The Mayor of Felixstowe  Charity Fund is a registered charity no: 1184138. 

In addition, the Mayor presents the Civic Awards .