Full Council

The Town Council meets on a Wednesday in the months of June, September, November, January and March. Meetings are held at 7.30pm.  The most significant decisions, such as setting the Town Council’s precept (local council tax), are taken by Full Council (comprising all 16 Councillors). However, to help run council business more effectively, Felixstowe Town Council has given delegated authority to its Committees to take responsibility for the management of certain key areas of business. Meetings are open to the public who are welcome to attend. 15 minutes is set aside at the start of each meeting for any public questions.

Next scheduled meeting

Ordinary Council

6th November 2024

Meeting location

Town Hall, 7.30pm

Forthcoming meetings

  • Ordinary Council

    8th January 2025
  • Ordinary Council

    5th March 2025

Previous meetings